Come to the Water’s Edge…

What is it about water that draws us so?

Many of us take special trips each year, just to find where the water meets the sky, and are content to find peace at the water’s edge. It seems to be magical; that river bank, stream bed, lake shore or sandy beach. Anywhere, actually, that one can sit by the wet earth and listen to the sound of water and wind.

The edge of the water is a sacred space – it is a meeting of the frequencies that make us – our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies intertwined. This is what makes us whole, it makes us who we are on this plane. When one of these is out of balance, our entire being suffers.

In my thirty years of doing healing work, it has become evident that this is the root of all suffering, the disconnect of the three from their natural flow in some form or fashion. Pieces of you got lost along the way,  through an unhealed, often unspoken trauma created in childhood. Addictions develop to fill the gap created by that hurt, doubt and fear can easily overtake us, and we isolate ourselves, losing hope.

Sadly, very few of us are taught, or shown how we are affected, and thus, can’t seem to change our current state of unrest. The universal laws that govern us seem mysterious, far-fetched, beyond our reach. “Everyone else’ has health, relationship, financial problems, so I guess I am stuck in the same fate….this is a common misconception that is beat into us from many sides to keep us down,  and suppressed from bringing change into our lives. Our misery seems to be our fate.

This, however, is a false belief system. There are sensible, organized steps you can take, if you choose to, that will call into effect the universal laws that govern your body, mind spirit, bringing change into your entire way of life. Choices you can make to start, and stop, certain practices that interfere with the well-being of you and your loved ones.

Isn’t it time for you to feel empowered? To feel at peace in your spirit while you have more success and happiness in your life? If you knew what was keeping you from your purpose and could actually get practical tools to deal with both seen and unseen challenges in your life, would you go and learn about these things?

Come to the Water’s Edge. Experience the Art of Rest, so that you might manifest your best life. Our overnight mini-retreat is waiting for you. Message to get more info on a workshop coming soon in Butler, Tennessee.

DIY natural healing activated charcoal toothpaste and tooth-powder recipes – Whitening too

I love this site. Please read more about charcoal as a supplement, as it is helpful in so many ways!

Natural Frugal: Raising 6 kids

Activated charcoal is amazing for oral health.

Activated charcoal is also an amazing tooth whitener & can be used daily.

Activated Charcoal  Collage

What you may need:

If you do not already know just how awesome activated charcoal is for your health make sure to check out my blog post: Activated Charcoal – Do you know all of the amazing uses? – DIY and Beyond

Check out my Activated charcoal category here activated charcoal capsules

You might wonder how something so back could even be used to brush teeth & you might even think something that black could never give you whiter teeth. Well think again because activated charcoal might just change your oral health drastically for the better & it is known as one…

View original post 1,781 more words


I LOVE the Miracle Noodle, and why you should, too!


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The MIracle Noodle is a great way to get a low-glycemic, gluten free menu addition!

The MIracle Noodle is a great way to get a low-glycemic, gluten free menu addition!

When ordering in bulk, each bag costs about$2.33.

When ordering in bulk, each bag costs about$2.33.

I have finally found a noodle that we with celiacs’, autism, and hypo-glycemia can eat that is also GOOD! Great for either Paleo or Vegan diets, it is rich in fiber and low in calories, helps lower cholesterol and is filling as well as tasty!

The Japanese have kept this little, zero calorie secret for 2000 years, and I am sharing it with you! My last post showed all the great stuff I ordered from Vitacost, which I use because I get all of my great organics there monthly, with no shipping, but I want you to have the Miracle Noodle web site for yourself,

The Shirataki root fiber is called gluccomannan, and has no sugar, starch, nor calories, yet is filling, and has the consistency of typical noodles!

This lovely dish above took only five minutes to make, and the noodles take on the flavor of the dish, while adding no trouble to your day.

If you look at the pic to my last post, you can see the noodles nicely packaged in water; all you do is drain for a minute, let some water boil in a pan, blanche two packs for four servings in the boiling water for another minute, then strain, and blot dry with a few paper towels.

I then popped the noodles back in the empty, warm pot, stirred in my favorite sauce to blend, and then put on a plate. I sprinkled goat cheese, some olives, and then a little basil, oregano and sea salt.

Then, I garnished with grated colby cheese, and chowed down! Great for those working on losing weight, lowering cholesterol, or dealing with food allergies.

These were the spinach spaghetti, and last week I used the fettucine dressed in a umeboshi curry sauce that I couldn’t stop eating! I will post that recipe next…


My Love Affair with plants, and why You should ‘cheat’ on your American diet


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It’s like Christmas in March, exciting to have new ‘plant strong’ dietary choices.

Ordering organic, whole foods online  feels decadent, almost naughty;

savoring the fragrant scents as I slowly peel open the foil tops from each spice, my eyes rolling back in my head.

It’s exciting to imagine how new, vegan dishes will entice, delight and beckon as they sizzle in golden olive oil; or exude the creamy goodness of aromatic coconut oil while spices like the whole coriander and cumin seeds pop and crackle, scenting up the whole house.

In the past two decades I’ve learned that our ability to stick with something, be it a long-term relationship, dietary change or lifestyle improvement, is the amount of ‘spice’ and flexibility we sprinkle on it over time.

Notice I don’t mention ‘force’ or ‘control’, but have come to understand that small doses of excitement(newness) seem most complimentary with increasing our chance at success.

My experience has been that when we work in small, manageable ‘chunks’ or layers, we can get to the root of a problem, addressing the mind, body and spiritual connection that keeps us bound in stagnant waters, so we can remove the whole weed from our system, feeling free again.

It’s like a little aquarium where the filter isn’t cleaned regularly, so it gets trapped in old waste and toxic stuff, and eventually stops working all together, allowing the water to become murky and choking out the aquatic life.

When we throw that away and get a new filter, the water then goes through a series of natural  cleaning agents, like charcoal, sand, or sponge, pumping and re-filtering, over and over, until all of the gunk is ‘caught’ and the aquarium is clean, ready for new life and enjoyment.

If we look at our holistic journey in this way, then we may be kinder to ourselves, willing to spend some time understanding the value in spending a little more for healthier food choices, grieving old traumas, getting quiet with ourselves so we can hear the Divine inside, giving us guidance and love.

Switching to a Paleo lifestyle last year has been a tremendous benefit, as well as a challenge. I’ve enjoyed the creative way to exclude starches, gluten and many processed items from my diet.
My cholesterol has dropped about 60 points, with my ‘good’ cholesterol now over 100. That is a HUGE success, as my mom’s family makes too much estrogen, leading to very high cholesterol counts, like over 300; and my mom is a tiny woman who barely weighs 120 pounds. It is exciting to see changes, and to get confirmation.

My next layer to peel away is to move to being completely vegan at least five days a week, which means not only me, but also my two teen boys. We will work on it in steps, baby ones, and see what develops.

I will start by explaining in separate posts the spiritual and physical value of each of these foods above, and how they can not only offer better meal choices, but also nourish the needs of our soul.

When we cook to involve all of the senses, not only to we bless ourselves, but all in our family or even workplace who smell or see what we’ve created.

When people come home to the sights and smells of  home-cooked food, it nourishes body and soul, strengthens bonds of love, and encourages conversation and intimacy. Children and significant others alike feel secure, special, and nurtured.

Add to that the high vibration of less processed and cleaner foods filled with love from the home chef, and a recipe for overall well-being and happiness is created.

Let’s start by learning about the wonderful addition of umeboshi plum to our table…

When the Student is ready, the teacher will appear…are you looking?


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The time for change is now. In this moment.
Breathe in deep, feeling love, acceptance, peace.
Hold that breath and realize that you are worth all of these, and more…
you were made by a loving Creator, given unique gifts, and meant to make a difference in the world.

Slowly exhale to the count of 6, feeling all tension, stress, and sadness leave your chest and bowels.
Push, push and push that muscle under the lungs, the diaphragm, letting all stagnant energy be removed.

Breathe in deep, to the count of 4, lifting even to your shoulders the feelings of love, joy, and abundance. Release again to the count of 6, giving all worry permission to leave, releasing all your troubles and pain to Creator, and out of your cells.

Sacred change in on the wind, powerful change with unlimited possibilities.
In order to align with these energetic vibrations, I will be opening my doors,
offering a two year apprenticeship that will meet in different places in North Carolina and Virginia, depending on which areas have the most students.

We will cover topics such as –

the sacred drum; how to make one and how to tap into its ancient healing power

the purpose of smudging the body, home and living/working spaces, and what one uses and how it heals

original voice – how everyone has one, how it manifests healing and prosperity, and why we should chant, sing and tone – how to use a variety of syllables for different types of healing

The power of music to heal or destroy, and what types of music advancements are available, looking at cymatics, the power of entrainment, Dr. Emoto, Dr. Jenny, Aeoliah, Stewart Pearce, solfeggio, and other techniques

How to connect to angels, spirit guides, animal spirits and totems, and why this is valuable

Plant as medicine; how we connect to and learn from them; discovering tinctures, essential oils, Bach essences, and how to use plants as medicine, also how to grow in a small space, no matter the place

Why the medicine wheel is a sacred and invaluable tool, that is applicable in every day life, and stones to make a portable wheel that can aid you on the go

The value of crystals in healing – as energetic, healing instruments, in making elixirs, protective grids for work, car or home, healing layouts and in drawing your highest good to you

Ways to champion the inner child – for health, wellness, sexual relationships and emotional balance, and as a way to raise your vibration to create the best and most fulfilling relationships for your future happiness

Guest speakers and artisans who will offer additional tools towards creating your peace and development, well-being and better relationships

Different modalities of hands on and distant energy work, and why working with energetics is such a valuable tool, studying chakra energy centers, moving blockages with energy, and how sound and color are helpful


– and more…making new connections and paving the way to better and more fulfilling relationships


In anticipation of the upcoming cycle of prophetic blood moons next month, I will have a new blog, new website and begin the pre-registration of this learning circle, open to anyone who cares to attend.
There will be more information on the new blog,  with introduction posts to follow.

I look forward to sharing new techniques and ancient technologies, with many materials, exciting books, and a wealth of information to propel you to a new and exciting future.

There is a place for you


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Isolated. Alone. Misunderstood. Unloved. Depressed. Teens and young adults are suffering all over the world. I hear and feel you; I know your struggle to find a place to ‘be’ that is safe. I see it the emo movement, which is now quite prevalent even in middle school life, and by the angst on fb and other web posts. Many energetic forces are working against you, so the more knowledge you have, the better your chances of rising above and into a more peaceful and happy state.

There are many universal forces out there, all about – this is a time of great upheaval and move towards a new state of being. There are many biblical references coming to pass, as well as other ancient visions being realized. The current way is life is no longer working energetically, and Gaia and those within her are pushing towards a new dimension. This is not the time to be afraid, it is a time to be aware, and to begin researching the wonderful, diverse, and exciting possibilities. The more tools you have in your holistic tool belt, the better your life experiences, and the more you can manifest the life that deserve.

I would like to do some articles on different modalities of healing work – an introduction to the rich and vastly different way that energy and light workers offer assistance in this chaotic time. Many of you do not have access to this ancient, yet valuable knowledge, so I feel led to share some of my friends and colleagues with you. If you would like to recommend a modality for me to research, or know someone who has helped you holistically, please let me know. I’d love to write about it. So, be on the look out for a sprinkling of these wonderful facilitators between my other articles on well-being and finding the best mate for you.

Stay tuned!

All life is sacred, and the energetic body, mis-understood


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75509_1209848228742_fullThe supernatural is discussed in almost every book forum across the world; it is no secret that people are fascinated by what dwells ‘across the veil’. Spirits, sprites, angels, ghosts, demons, animal spirits, the fae,  Greek gods, vampires, were wolves – we make these fiction authors millionaires.

As a medicine woman, I see, feel and hear all of these energies, and am amazed; constantly, that the same people who devour these fictional works are terrified to experience them in reality. Whether or not you choose to accept it doesn’t mean these creatures are not living, moving and existing near and right there with you. Now. As you read this post or watch that new episode of ‘Supernatural’ or VC.

I have paid attention to this wave, an insurgence  of new age fumbling with the old, ancient texts, language, spells and incantations spun in shadow and with only half truths for guidance. There are careless experiences with Ouija and voodoo, an overall lack of respect for plant medicine, the irreverent use of animal remains, tooth, feather or bone. The lack of love for Nature, the four directions, our Earth Mother, even the air divas, as well as total ignorance in working with the animal kingdom is painfully adding to the daily destruction of the world, and our life, as we have known it.

I hear and see that many talk of being ‘seekers’, yet there is little action. I watch people ‘playing’ with crystals, bragging about spells they’ve learned or done, or how someone is looking for a teacher. Yet, when someone appears, they run the other way, or when a valid reader tells a client personal things and gives honest, earned knowledge to help the client heal and improve his/her life, why is it neither followed nor appreciated?

The integrity and honor of this work is a sacred calling; it did not manifest overnight. When I ‘take’ the pain, it is exactly that; I am transmuting pain, disease, heartache, the entity, miasm, tumor, or cyst and pulling it from your tissue, and releasing it through years of knowledge, experiential study, channeling, and prayer. I always carry it from your energy through mine, and then outward, to the Universal flow. It takes great skill and years of practice to keep these higher vibrations from settling in my body or making me sick, and the work does take its toll over time. You can learn that these pains are  lessened through dietary choices, meditation, water, and a move to a less carbon diet. The more raw, plant based food you ingest with love, the better, especially things you grow yourself.

Never underestimate the intimacy and love that flows from plant to owner, especially over time. Plants have a huge capacity for unconditional love, and give of themselves that we may live, in harmony with humans as long as we continue  to create or re-discover our connection to the natural world. Plants dance, feel, and even think, with sensitive systems that are more highly developed than our own. The Creator has given us a cure for every disease from the plant pharmacopeia, and it is our duty to curate, protect and resonate with the natural world, both plant and animal.

Once you begin to see the value of these esoteric connections, and learn about how we strengthen these bonds, we are then more able to see clearly the true value of the other humans around us, as well. We become more sensitive to the inner workings of the opposite sex, and can begin to communicate without words, but with the harnessing of energy.

We sense when the other is near, or in danger, or thinking of us. We can prolong or bring on the orgasm of the other or ourselves, and learn ways to intensify the pleasure of both of you with guided imagery and energetic exchange, strengthening the bonds of intimacy, pleasure and connection over time, instead of drifting apart. Through guided meditation, partner work, reiki, Native American healing and other forms of energy work, connections between the spiritual and physical body are developed, strengthened; pulling your authentic self back together, giving you a new view of life. There is a stronger desire to live, a more positive outlook, better health, and vigorous, passionate love relations that are mind blowing.

There is expansive, priceless and much sought after knowledge to be found in taking time to study and reflect on the old way of doing things. The brief pleasure of instant gratification is forgotten once one is saturated in the lasting glow of a developed practice that is mastered over time, with respect and in following sacred principles from the ancient ones.

Every Soul has a Mate


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There is a deep pang in my soul today; a void that longs to be filled.

My essence is the baleful howl of the lone, searching wolf; I ache to be heard, and the body answered.

A chapter in my life has ended, the quill still drips though the well is dry.

The parchment crisp, crinkles as the hand smooths the page, my mind burning to create sound, a clarion call to the unknown one that whispers future promises from the edge of sleep,

or dictate words that burn deliciously, a heat to pull you to me through air, moist sky, this fog that sears; I cannot see you.

This searching with only the blind third eye leaves the hearing to soul’s ears, while tiny hairs alert, enthralled by your energy, vibrations tensile and near; as yet to manifest.

Encountered in dreams; skin on skin, tumbling, pressing the life from the last meadow flowers, grass stained and mud cleansed we rut like buffalo after the first fall rain,

musk and honey, lavender and sweat, a gift on the altar of the Mother.

You, taut like an arrow in the notch before springing free to land home, my hands entwined in hair like a raven’s wing, I remember us. We were before.

We can be, again, if you will answer. It is not too late, as long as I draw breath.

Bring my ink, the well is waiting.

5 Tips to Help Find that Special Someone


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Don't be afraid to try something new; true love awaits!

Don’t be afraid to try something new; true love awaits!

It is becoming more difficult to find that special someone, but have faith – you can!

I wrote in an earlier post about how it is crucial to get beyond the looks of an individual,, as daydreaming is a dangerous trap in the beginning of the ‘getting to know’ phase.

After reading scores of online articles that were either designed to sell a product or just offer bad advice, I’ve come up with five secrets to finding the best type of person for your individual life style, whether a male or female.

  1. You must get out of ‘the box’.

Once we hit our 30’s, it feels dangerous to veer from our daily routine, as this gives a single person presumed stability and safety. However, this is most likely why you are single. Going to different grocery stores, eating at new restaurants, walking on different tracks, or even walking indoors, like local malls or museums can get you in the vicinity of other singles. Think up new ways to help with old issues. For example, men can decrease impotency by 50% if they take up a low level weekly exercise like gardening! There are ways to become healthier in the natural world. Try something new!

2. Volunteer.

If you’ve always admired long-distant walkers or biking, volunteer at a local 10-k run or tough mudder, for example. Showing interest in the contestants can lead to interesting conversations, advice, and perhaps more.

Studies have shown that when a person can share his/her passion, it improves self-esteem and builds stronger relationships.  Volunteer to help on your child’s sport team or after school activities, or the Special Olympics. Even if you’re not a sport pro, you can offer support from the side lines, help with snack and fund raisers, and meet other single parents.

If you’re an animal lover, help out at the local shelter, or equine therapy stable. There are many groups that help rescue certain dog breeds or neglected horses, for example.

3. Be more open-minded.

This has tremendous potential for finding a lasting love. Be willing to learn about a few things potential dates enjoy that you DON’T like, so you can find commonality. The more giving you are to participate in something because it pleases the other (as long as it doesn’t demean you), then more bonds are being created that draw you to each other. If the local mechanic has potential, ask him to come out and explain how he fixed the issue, perhaps getting him to show you what he did to your car. You can learn something and get closer to him. Men LOVE and NEED to have authority when they can.

If you think Amelia in the next cubicle is the ‘one’, and you find out she rushes from work to make the hot yoga class at 6, do a little research and start asking her how has bikram yoga helped her focus and breathing because you have trouble staying on task, for example. Find ways to be authentic and get to know the genuine side of the one on your mind.

4. Learn something new about your dating demographic.

Everyone knows you don’t go to a dance club if you want to find someone who’s ready to settle down, or you should start a new hobby to find someone with similar interests, but that doesn’t always help. It may just help you find more friends. Sigh.If you’ve had a difficult time finding worthwhile dating material, learn more about the type of person you wish to attract. A suggestion –

Although many people may find it hokie, there is a deep and ancient importance in learning about your astrological sign, either the strengths and weaknesses of your zodiac or from the Native American wheel’s earth sign. By studying about our polarity sign, our opposites, as well as our compatible signs, we can gain valuable insights into what makes us tick, and what we are truly looking for in a great match.

For example, if material items are not important to you, but you want a lover who will be reliable, trustworthy and family oriented, then a Cancer can be a great match. However, you must consider if you will be too bored after a time, and need lots of stimulation mentally, and new scenery. Then, a Cancer may cause long-term issues for you, especially if you are an Aquarius. I, however, loved having my opposite most f the time, but had to work hard at my male Cancer’s insecurities over the years. At the very least, it is interesting to consider the underlying desires and drives of the potential dates around you by researching this a little.

5. Make sure to give yourself quiet time to unwind each day.

Being single can bring on feelings of sad or loneliness, and we often fill our lives to overflowing so we don’t notice them so much. However, when we take time to reflect on our daily events, still the mind in relaxation by listening to quiet music or short nature walks, our stress levels lower, and our heart rate and breathing become more natural and healthy. Walking is also crucial for bowel health, which means feeling more comfortable and keeping disease at bay.

The more you are willing to open your mind and give new things a chance, the better your opportunities at finding the perfect fit for you. There is hope!

Food as Ceremony – sacred, nurturing and magical


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Be brave, try something 'new' for max benefit - cook old favorites!

Be brave, try something ‘new’ for max benefit – cook old favorites! (Stone ground yellow grits with cheese)

Finding blessing in your struggles is easier than one might think.

Money may be harder to come by, ‘things’ may be a strain to purchase, yet it is crucial to bless that which we DO have, continuing those blessings and the more to come.

One example of this is in the cooking ceremony, and something like old-fashioned cheese grits is the prefect way to send love to yourself and those in your household.

Old fashioned, stone ground flours/meals are a highly vibrant addition to the overworked American diet.

For my breakfast this morning, as snow whirls around and wind rattles the tin-roof barn, I set aside fifteen minutes to use this coarse, yellow corn stone ground grits from a little mill in NC from 1896.

I imagine the stone turning, the gears cranking, dust motes dancing between sun stripes and shadow in the old mills I’ve visited in my past, in both NC, MD and PA. They are amazing structures; the old cranks, belts and gears humming from water to wheel, while I stand over the little simmering pot of my own four serving breakfast.

Shaking my Himalayan salt through the steam, cutting a pat of butter to slide around between white and yellow grains, I know I am sharing love and energy with all the other ‘simple’ folks who bought and are buying these products since the 1800’s, or even before, depending on which mill you order from.

I give thanks for whatever’s on my mind at this moment; asking for blessings for my family, thinking warm, loving thoughts for those whose bellies will be warmed by this gentle respite from over due bills, school tests, bullies in the halls, job searching…

In  this moment it is me, Creator, and the energy of our ancient friend corn who has fed our ancestors , since around 7,500 BC. A little leaf of bay adds to the salt, butter, and sprinkling of ground black peppercorns. 1/4 c. grits per 1 c. of water, and grated cheese to taste (we like to ‘taste’, so 1/2c. sharp cheese at the end of cooking 3/4c grits).

I hold the little steaming bowl in my hands, letting the warmth caress my face, and just give thanks to a loving Creator, and send love outwards to those that may need it, wherever they live, whatever their situation.

Take a little time, and you can find a mill (grist and/or roller) in your own area to patron. Children of all ages are fascinated by the old technology, and the history, as well. It is well worth the drive to visit one for the day.

Two brands that I live by, depending on what I can afford:

or the organic

However you decide to try it, the after effects of this ‘little’ daily ceremony in your meals may surprise you.